Who is JJ?

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I am a Tattooed Irish and Arabic Mutt. Im originally from NJ but currently living in IL and considering moving to AZ. I served this country for 11 years in the US Army and am fiercely patriotic. I love fast rides, faster women, good booze and great music. I am highly opinionated, work out daily and can be a bit of a food snob. Im an asshole to most but try to be the best friend I can to the close knit group of friends I have. I like my ink and no I dont care about what I am gonna look like when I am 60.I plan on getting more soon. I like too many movies to list here,My music consist of country, rockabilly and punk and everything in between.( Johnny to Dropkick to Elvis to irish folk, Buddy Holly to Billy Idol and everything in-between.Im a leagally ordained reverend (thank you internet)and distill my own whiskey. (Dead-eye Dick) I have been playing rugby for 10 years now and I still work out daily.Want to know more than feel free to ask.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Who I am

I am a 33 year old guy who lives in the middle of nowhere fucking southern Illinois known as Waterloo. I have never lived anywhere so full of racist two faced snobs , with exception to Jackson Hole , Wyoming. Dont get me wrong I have met a few people here that are good folk and A.O.K in my book.

I was in the Army for 11 years until I got hurt and they put me out. I am originally from NJ so please dont hold that against me. I Dont have a blow out hairdo and im not a fist pumping popped collar douchebag. Im just your ordinary , Tattooed lowbrow. I love Booze , Cars, bikes, Music, guns, titties and beer.

Music anything that really just cathces my fancy but usually Country, rockabilly, punk and rock. Johnny Cash, Elvis, Op. Ivy, Stray Cats, Buddy Holly and everything in between.

Movies the list is way to long.

Ink got a bunch and never really ever finished its always a work in progress. Chest calves back arms so far and counting.

well thats it for now....more to come later.


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